Sunday, 16 July 2017

Women's Leadership in Forest Recovery in Nepal

A Round Table discussion on "Agriculture, Environment and Forestry: Role of Women's Leadership" was held in Ahmedabad on July 10, 2017 with women leaders from Nepal who have been working on key issues of sustainability and conservation in Nepal ever since a devastating 2015 earthquake had hit their country.
The role of small business in forest produce trade; the scope for green bonds to invest in forestry; and linking forestry recovery with national development planning came up in the discussions.
The leaders discussed ways to feminize forestry activities in favour of work, income, and ecosystem away from profits, timber trading, and singular business interests.
The leaders agreed that there was a need to rethink the very foundations of modern forestry with historically grounded, highly current, and well argued lessons from ongoing recovery in Nepal. The earthquake recovery may deepen the inequality between those who benefit from forests and those who do not. For the people dependent on forests for their livelihood, the aftermath of the earthquake mattered more than the actual earthquake.
In addition needs capability building were discussed, which included ways of understanding multi-sectoral forestry needs of women; disaster vulnerability of forests; integrating women's livelihoods and protection programming for forestry recovery; and understanding new stakeholders in forestry recovery.

The participants pin pointed four areas for more work in building resilience of forests to disasters: formal and informal institutions; forest households; forest produce markets; and forest related policies such as water harvesting, and carbon sink.

It was concluded that more investment was needed in building capabilities of local leaders to find local ways to plan for DRR compliant forestry in the districts. A pedagogy of risk reduction is needed for the forests of the past, present, and the future.
– Mihir R. Bhatt

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Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Making Dams Safer: Investing in Dam Safety

As the SSD project stands completed after 56 years of its inception, perhaps it is time for a little introspection. We should introspect on how to make the SSD resilient to the various climate and disaster risks so that the gains that it delivers to the people are safeguarded. What is needed is a framework to reduce disaster risks faced by SSD. Under the leadership of NCA, GSDMA, and NDMA, the SSD can become India's first SFDRR compliant dam.

One of India's largest hydro development projects, the Narmada Dam in Gujarat, has received the final clearance from the Narmada Control Authority (NCA) giving a go ahead to the Gujarat government to close the Sardar Sarovar Dam (SSD) gates on the Narmada river. This marks the completion of the project, almost 56 years after the dam's foundation was laid by the then Prime Minister in 1961. Perhaps it is time to think of the various ways of reducing the risk of extreme events like earthquakes, droughts or floods on projects such as the SSD.
These risk reduction activities can be led by the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) which plays the key role in guiding national investments for disaster risk reduction (DRR) activities across India. Similarly, this effort can also be complemented by the Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority (GSDMA) which builds the resilience of the citizens of Gujarat to the various disaster risks faced by them. The NCA permitted increasing the dam's height by lowering of 30 sluice gates and impounding of water in the reservoir upto its Full Reservoir Level (FRL) of EL 138.68 metres.
The latest move by NCA will lead to completion of the project and will result in an increase in the dam's storage capacity from 1565 million cubic metres (MCM) to 5740 MCM and also lead to a rise in hydro power generation from current 1300 MW to 1450 MW.
The water audit (use for agriculture, industrial and domestic purposes) can provide useful findings for future risk reduction actions for the National Water Development Agency (NWDA) and other water institutions.
About one crore people would get assured drinking water and irrigation facilities. The SSD would primarily meet the water requirement of drought prone and desert areas of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. In some ways SSD is one of the biggest anti-drought and anti-desertification measures in India.
The time has come to protect SSD, the life line of Gujarat, from all kinds of disaster risks, including that of floods and earthquakes by considering the recommendations of the national authorities and the Sendai Framework.
The Resettlement and Rehabilitation sub-group chaired by the Union Secretary of Social Justice & Empowerment had also reviewed the rehabilitation and resettlement of project affected families as per the Narmada Water Disputes Tribunal (NWDT) Award and the Supreme Court order was delivered in February 2017. The next step is to build the resilience of these families to the disaster risks they face.
Dam Safety Measures in India
Close to 80% of India's 5,198 large dams are over 25 years old and are confronted with safety challenges. Many experts believe that the wear and tear along with the sub-par maintenance of these dams is jeopardizing their safety. The most worrying are those dams that lie in high seismic zones and can be destroyed by medium to high intensity earthquakes. In this context, it is essential to review the safety measures and policies in place to protect the big dams and economic growth of India.
The Central Water Commission (CWC), which is the apex organisation for water resources management, in 2006, asked the states to come up with an emergency action plan for large dams and laid down guidelines for that purpose.
Needless to say disaster preparedness needs to be an integral part of these safety measures to prevent any mishaps. Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation with the financial support from the World Bank has embarked upon a six year Dam Safety Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP) in the year 2012.

Reducing Disaster Risk
Water: There is a total of 28 million acre feet water of Narmada in SSD. The state wise distribution is thus: 18.25 MAC to Madhya Pradesh, 9 MAC to Gujarat, 0.5 MCA to Rajasthan and 0.25 MAC to Maharashtra. How to protect this water flow from floods and drought?
Electricity: Total 1450 MW hydro power to be generated at the dam site by SSD. Madhya Pradesh gets lion's share with 57 % total power to be generated, Maharashtra gets second largest portion of 27 % and Gujarat gets 16 % of power. What can be done to reduce flood, cyclone, and earthquake risk faced by this hydro-power grid?
Canal Network: Total 71,747 km long canal network of SSD spread in over 20 districts in Gujarat. So far, the authorities have completed 47104 km long network, which means 66 % works stand completed. Who will reduce risks of disasters faced by these canals?
Project Affected Villages: Total 244 villages in Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat have been affected, submerged fully or partially due to SSD. From these villages, 46840 families have been resettled and rehabilitated with compensation by the authorities. What measures are needed to make these families and villages resilient to disaster and climate risks?
– AIDMI Team
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