Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Making Humanitarian Response More Flexible: Exploring New Models and Approaches issue no. 181, February 2019:

AIDMI's publication of is titled 'Making Humanitarian Response More Flexible: Exploring New Models and Approaches' and highlights new approaches that can be taken by humanitarian organizations to effectively respond to the humanitarian challenges of the 21st century. Some of the important themes discussed in this special issue include adaptive programming by humanitarian organizations, context specific humanitarian interventions and culturally sensitive approaches to humanitarian action.

This issue's contents includes: (i) Supporting Adaptive Approaches to DRR and Humanitarian Action; (ii) Proactive and Reactive Strategies for Knowing When to Adapt; (iii) What Do Shelterless Want after a Disaster?; (iv) Daily Nudges: Using Community Feedback for Problem Solving; (v) CDP@20: Two Decades of Commitment to Resilience, Empowerment, and Development; (vi) Risking Cities and Rivers: What are the Pathways Towards Resilience?; (vii) Making Humanitarian Response more Flexible: Responding to Context; (viii) Heart Head Healing in South Asia; (ix) Flexibility First: Why Flexibility is Essential in Humanitarian Work; (x) Landscape Planning for Risk Reduction and Resilience Building; (xi) Humanitarian Action: INGOs and State Flexibility; (xii) Emergency Response Network for Road Safety in Leh; and (xiii) Insights on Making Humanitarian Response More Flexible.

Some of the best thinkers, researchers, experts, and activists, including Alice Obrecht, ALNAP, UK; and Mihir R. Bhatt with AIDMI Team; Isabella Jean, Director, CDA Collaborative Learning, Cambridge, USA; Loreine B. Dela Cruz, Executive Director, Center for Disaster Preparedness Foundation, Philippines; Safa Fanaian, DPhil Candidate, School of Geography and The Environment, Oxford India Centre for Sustainable Development, UK; Abhishek Pandey, Development Studies, Gujarat, India; Ankush Seth, Executive Director, Asian Heritage Foundation, New Delhi; Sarwar Bari, National Coordinator, Pattan Development Organisation, Islamabad, Pakistan; Helena Hurd, Routledge Editor – Development Studies, UK; and Dr. Henna Hejazi, Manager, Pragya India, Gurgaon, India

Theme: Humanitarian, Risk Resilience, Climate Change, DRR, Adaptiveness

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Trans-Boundary Early Warning Systems in Asia issue no. 180, January 2019:

AIDMI's publication of is titled "Trans-Boundary Early Warning Systems in Asia" and focuses on the important theme of regional cooperation for DRR in Asia. Community based TB-EWS for flood risk have been given special importance in this issue because of their significance in South Asia. Such systems enable local communities to utilise local resources and capacities to prepare and respond to and enhance their resilience to flooding risk. Some of the other relevant themes explored in this issue include livelihood recovery, economic cost of climate change and protecting children in emergencies.

This issue's contents includes: (i) The Context of Trans-Boundary Early Warning System; (ii) ADPC's Role in Trans-Boundary Early Warning Systems and Risk Management in the Asia-Pacific Region; (iii) Transcending Boundaries to Build Resilience; (iv) Trans-Boundary Early Warning System: Emerging Perspectives at 4th World Congress on Disaster Management; (v) Roles of Local Authority in Trans-Boundary Early Flood Warning System: A View; (vi) The Success of Community–Based Trans-Boundary Flood Early Warning Systems; (vii) Reaching the Most Vulnerable Riverine Communities in Mahakali Basin: Community-based Flood Early Warning Systems; (viii) Regional Platform for Multi Hazards Early Warning System and Improved Community Resilience to Natural Disasters in South Asia; (ix) Delhi Declaration on Regional Platform; (x) Filling the Gap: Spaces that Protect and Nurture Children in Emergencies; (xi) Collective Action Integral to Trans-boundary Risk Governance; (xii) Crisis Management Beyond the Humanitarian-Development Nexus; (xiii) Economic Cost of Neglecting Climate Change in Local Planning; (xiv) Kerala Floods Loss and Damage: Some Estimates; and (xv) Floods in Kuttanad: Impact on Livelihoods.

Some of the best thinkers, researchers, experts, and activists, including Mihir R. Bhatt with AIDMI Team; Hans Guttman, Executive Director, ADPC; Atiq Kainan Ahmed, Senior Program Manager, ADPC, Thailand; Dr. Neera Shrestha Pradhan, Senior Water and Adaptation Specialist, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Nepal, and Sanjay Pandey, Executive Director, Yuganter, Bihar, India; Rajan Subedi, Team Leader, Trans-boundary Rivers of South Asia (TROSA), Oxfam, Nepal; Animesh Prakash, TROSA, Oxfam India; Nithi Nesadurai, Regional Coordinator, Climate Action Network South–East Asia; Vijeta Rattani, Programme Manager, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi, India; and D. Nandakumar, Professor (retd.), Kerala University, Kerala, India.

 Early Warning System, Disaster Management, Climate Change, Floods Recovery, Loss and Damage, Humanitarian

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Should Clean Air be a Fundamental Right? issue no. 182, April 2019: This i ssue of is titled ‘Should Clean Air be a Fundamenta...